Environmental Improvements

on 08/06/2023 Latest News and Tags: , , , , , , , , , with 0 comments

We need your support!

If you’re in this area, you may be aware that there is a lack of commercial disposal and recycling facilities in the southern region of West Sussex – closures of inert landfill sites have left little options for a diversity of businesses, who need to regularly dispose of their waste.

Due to this, our throughput has been rising, primarily because there is no-where else local to go! We consistently thrive to ensure as much waste as possible is recycled in an efficient manner, and as such are proud of our high landfill diversion rates, which are always around 99% of the total amount of waste we process, and 100% of all hardcore/rubble.

It is recognised by much of the public, local businesses, and authorised bodies that our Recycling Facility is regarded as a necessary commodity including WSCC themselves, being that the majority of the soil and hardcore from household amenity sites (your ‘local tip’) throughout the county is brought here for recycling.

As more facilities in this area have closed over the years, our throughput has inevitably increased, so we have applied for retrospective planning to West Sussex County Council so that our planning consent is in line with our Environment Agency permit of 75000 tonnes per annum.

In conjunction with this, we are applying to expand the area we occupy for our inert recycling area. This would allow for a cleaner and more efficient operation, incorporating good screening from surrounding land and property, and a new hard road surface through the access yard – which we will be able to easily maintain and clean. In conjunction with a dedicated area for wheel washing when necessary, we can ensure any debris would have the absolute minimum opportunity to leave our perimeter. This is something we absolutely recognise as an essential part of our operation, but have been unable to install due to current space, and of course, planning constraints.

We have been trying to submit this application for a long time now, but faced various hurdles – including rejection from planners even before submission.

As a user of our facility, or our services, we would be very grateful for any support you can offer (even if it’s just to say that you have no objection).